Final Fantasy VII

Chris' Final Fantasy VII Shrine

Even though Final Fantasy VII was released in 1997, it's flame still burns brightly today. Complete with amazing graphics, beautiful music, memorable, likeable characters, and a storyline so detailed that you feel like you're living the game, not just playing it, make it one of the greatest games ever to be created.
The characters' personalities are so well developed, you actually feel like they are really your friends. Each has their own, unique traits, and a story of their own. Cetrain characters storylines are ciritcal to the game, some are not, but they are all interesting. Throughout the game, you get to know them so well, that you actually feel for them when they are happy, sad, depressed, etc. Truly an amazing playing experience.
If you don't have this game, get it right now! (When you're done in here of course!)

Cloud Aeris Tifa Red XIII (Nanaki) Cid Yuffie Cait Sith Vincent Sephiroth Other Characters

Aeris Shrine
My dedication to Aeris Gainsborough.
Final Fantasy VII

The cast...
Plenty o' pics!

You know you love these. If you got any, SEND SEND SEND!!

Song Dedications
Dedicate a song to your favorite FFVII character(s).

Comments on FFVII
A little bit of personal input. My thoughts on the game, the characters, etc., and why FFVII is only the second greatest game of all time.

FFVII Guestbook!

Voting Booth


All characters, images (except fanart), and stories (except fanfics) pertaining to Final Fantasy VII are registered trademarks of Square, and are not used in any way by this site to gain profits. No infringment is intended, and I do not claim ownership of any characters, images, or stories (except the characters, images, and stories I create myself) appearing on this site.

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