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Age: 21 |
Occupation: Mercenary |
Weapon: Sword |
Height: 5'7" |
Birthdate: August 19 |
Birthplace: Nibelheim |
Blood Type: AB |
Supposedly an ex-SOLDIER 1st Class, Cloud joins AVALANCHE, a groups rebelling against Shinra Inc., solely for the money, but soon becomes involved in a violent struggle for the life of the planet. He may seem cold and uncaring at first, but underneath that exterior is a compassionate soul, born to be a leader. His past connection to Shinra and Sephiroth, as well as his own dark secrets, fuel the game throughout. As the story progresses, Cloud will uncover many mysteries from his past in order to understand himself, and defeat the destructive forces endangering the existence of the world. |
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Age: 22 |
Occupation: Flower Girl |
Weapon: Staff |
Height: 5'3" |
Birthdate: February 7 |
Birthplace: Unknown |
Blood Type: O |
Aeris met Cloud selling flowers on the street, and soon befriends him, becoming an invaluable ally in his battle against Shinra and Sephiroth. She is young, beautiful, kind, compassionate, and very mysterious. She is supposedly the last of an ancient race of people who had the ability to communicate with the planet. Because of this, she has been hunted by Shinra for her entire life. Her feelings for Cloud motivate her to join AVALANCHE, but she knew that all along, her destiny was to be the savior of the planet... |
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Age: 20 |
Occupation: Bar Hostess, AVALANCHE Member. |
Weapon: Glove |
Height: 5'4" |
Birthdate: May 3 |
Birthplace: Nibelheim |
Blood Type: B |
Always the optimist, Tifa is a kind, gentle soul, except when she's angry. Her limit breaks are brutal when she levels up, and her fists can destroy almost any adversary. She's cheerful and supportive of the rest of the group, and has been Cloud's friend ever since they were kids. She coaxed him into joining AVALANCHE because of his strength, and to spend time with him. She cares about him very deeply, but never says a word about it. However, she does know a few secrets about Cloud's past that the others, even Cloud himself, are unaware of... |
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Age: 35 |
Occupation: Leader of AVALANCHE |
Weapon: Gun-arm |
Height: 6'4" |
Birthdate: December 15 |
Birthplace: Corel Village |
Blood Type: O |
Big, powerful, and harsh, Barret started the rebel group AVALANCHE to get revenge on Shinra for what they did to him in the past. He is equipped with a powerful machine gun in place of his right arm. While on the outside, Barret may seem like a jerk bent on revenge, inside, he truly cares about the crisis facing the world, and is an invaluable ally throughout the game. The friendship he forms with Cloud makes him dependable and always ready to bail you out of trouble. |
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Age: 48 |
Occupation: Unemployed |
Weapon: Headdress |
Height: 3'9" |
Birthdate: Unknown |
Birthplace: Cosmo Canyon |
Blood Type: Unknown |
Red is the last surviving member of an ancient race of creatures. His looks are frightening, but his personality is not. He is intelligent, logical, and soft-spoken. A victim of Hojo's mad lab experiments, he has a rather frightening meeting with Aeris early on. After AVALANCHE came to rescue them both, Red joined the group, promising to stay only until he returned to his home. But after his friendship with the group deepens, and they help him uncover a secret from his past, he will fight with them until the bitter end. |
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Age: 32 |
Occupation: Pilot |
Weapon: Spear |
Height: 5'8" |
Birthdate: February 22 |
Birthplace: Unknown |
Blood Type: B |
Foul-mouthed, loud, and an awesome pilot, Cid was supposed to be the first man in space, but had his dreams taken away from him by a launch accident. After Shinra lost interest in the space program, Cid joined AVALANCHE to get revenge, as Shinra had their sights on his beloved Tiny Bronco as well. While Cid may seem mean at first, especially to his assistant Shera, he is actually quite warmhearted. He cares for Shera, and his friends, and is their best bet for quick and easy transportation to anywhere in the world, and maybe even further than that... |
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Age: 16 |
Occupation: Materia Hunter/Thief, Ninja |
Weapon: Shuriken |
Height: 5'2" |
Birthdate: November 20 |
Birthplace: Wutai |
Blood Type: A |
Selfish, arrogant, and hyper, Cloud and his friends have good reason not to trust Yuffie at first. She is quick to get into fights, but can handle herself well enough. She joins the group hoping to get some money and materia out of them, but soon becomes involved in their struggle. Her shaky relationships with the other AVALANCHE members soon become friendships that are sure to last a lifetime. |
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Age: Unknown |
Occupation: Fortune Teller |
Weapon: Megaphone |
Height: 3'2" |
Birthdate: Unknown |
Birthplace: Unknown |
Blood Type: Unknown |
Not everyone would expect a talking cat who rides around on a stuffed mog to be involved in a struggle for the life of the planet. Cait Sith worked as a fortune teller in the Gold Saucer until he met up with Cloud, predicted his future, and then forced himself into the group to see if it would come true. He is not very reliable, and some members of the group don't exactly trust him. He seems friendly enough, but his exact reasons for joining the group are known only to him... |
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Age: 27 |
Occupation: Ex-Turk |
Weapon: Gun |
Height: 6' |
Birthdate: October 13 |
Birthplace: Unknown |
Blood Type: A |
A former Shinra employee, Vincent was discover sleeping in a coffin under Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim. He agrees to join AVALANCHE because of his previous connection to the Turks and Sephiroth. His past is shrouded in mystery, and he shows no sign of any human emotions, but is capable of harnessing incredible powers to destroy his foes. While Vincent is somewhat an outcast, AVALANCHE (Aeris in particular) begins to realize that underneath his dark exterior, is a good man, and a good heart. |
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Age: Unknown |
Occupation: Ex-SOLDIER 1st Class |
Weapon: Masamune |
Height: 6'1" |
Birthdate: Unknown |
Birthplace: Unknown |
Blood Type: Unknown |
Possessing powers beyond imagination, Sephiroth was the top ranking SOLDIER officer in his day. During a mission to Nibelheim, on which he led Cloud and Zack into a broken down Mako reactor, Sephiroth uncovered a dark secret about himself, kept from him by the higher-ups at Shinra Inc. He soon makes strange discoveries about himself, one of which being a possible connection to the Ancients, a race of people with great powers, just like Aeris. Shortly after, Nibelheim was burned to the ground, and Sepiroth, Zack, and Cloud dissapeared. Tifa's father was killed, and Cloud's memory of the incident is full of holes. Sephiroth was believed dead. But recently, strange occurances around the world have lead people to believe that Sephiroth is still alive. Suspicions are confirmed when there is an all-out attack on Shinra Inc. headquarters, leaving behind undeniable evidence that Sephiroth is still alive. Unsure of Sephiroth's intentions, Clud and AVALANCHE trail him across the world, and into an ever-deepening pit of mystery. Eventually, shocking discoveries are made about Cloud, Zack, Aeris, and Sephiroth, and only AVALANCHE stands between the world and an incredible destructive power... |
Jenova: Sephiroth's mother.....? |
President Shinra: Big, heartless, cruel jerk. |
Rufus Shinra: Bigger, more heartless, crueller, almost as evil as Sephiroth jerk. |
Colonel Heidegger: Big, fat, horse laughing, manic, brown-nosed idiot. |
Scarlet: Nasty, cruel, banshee laughing devil woman. |
Palmer: Lard ass moron. |
Reeve: Mysteriously benevolent, in a way... |
Professor Hojo: Not as smart Gast, twisted, cruel, mad scientist. |
Professor Gast: Hojo's predecessor. A nice old genius. (Deceased) |
Ifalna: Ancient. Aeris' birth mother. (Deceased) |
Elmyra Gainsborough: Aeris' adoptive mother. |
Shera: Former launch assistant to Cid on Shinra No. 26, now his live-in housekeeper. Even though he's really mean to her, she cares about him deeply, and is always there for him. |
Bugenhagen: Grandfather to Red XIII, he is probably the greatest genius ever to live, and a fountain of valuable information. |
Tseng: Leader of the Turks, Aeris' childhood friend before he joined Shinra and turned against her. |
Reno: Turk. Takes over for Tseng. Rude's best buddy, borderline alcoholic. |
Rude: Turk. Silent, bald, Reno's best buddy. Borderline alcoholic, and really rude. |
Elena: Overly serious Turk. Weak, and kinda dense. |
Biggs, Jessie, and Wedge: Original AVALANCHE members. Welcomed the then anti-social Cloud, but were lost in battle before Cloud could really become friends with them. (Deceased) |
Dio: Manager of Gold Saucer. Muscle headed jerk. |
Dyne: Barret's best friend, also with Gun-arm. (Deceased?) |
Don Corneo: Testosterone bucket. A super pervert on outs with Shinra. |
Zack: Cloud's battle comrade in SOLDIER and Aeris' first boyfriend. Original owner of the Buster Sword. Kind of a jerk. (Deceased) |