…I am the Voice that saves them
I am the Stalker, waiting for you in the night…
…I am the Protector, who will keep you from harm
I am the Terror in the screams of the young…
…I am the Warmth in their words of love
I am the Madness that shatters the calm…
…I am the Tranquillity that brings peace
I am the Chaos that tears worlds apart…
…I am the Order that bears new fruit
I am the Hatred that leads to madness…
…I am the Love that brings all together
I am the Fury of destruction…
…I am the Light of new birth
I am Yin…
…I am Yang
I am Death…
…I am Life
I am the Destroyer…
…I am the Savior
I am the Demon…
…I am the Angel
We exist apart…
…Yet in many ways, we are One
I am Sephiroth…
…and I am Aeris Gainsborough.
Author's Note:
This popped into my head at 12:23.23pm, 8/19/01, after being awake since 2:00am. Don't know where it came from, but I like the sound of it.